
Home » BCPCH facilitates NCCA’s “Mga Durungawan Sa Kulturang Pilipino” with the participation of Bangsamoro Teaching Personnel

September 08, 2023

BCPCH facilitates NCCA's "Mga Durungawan Sa Kulturang Pilipino" with the participation of Bangsamoro Teaching Personnel

To further ensure that the pupils and students will be able to know more about our identity as Bangsamoros by learning about their culture in the most efficient possible way, the Bangsamoro Government through the Bangsamoro Commission for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage (BCPCH-BARMM) facilitates the seminar-workshop on Lakbay Kultura Module dubbed as “Mga Durungawan Sa Kulturang Pilipino” in partnership with the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) conducted on September 5-6, 2023, at Pagana Kutawato, Cotabato City.

Participated by several Elementary to Senior High School Teachers of selected schools within and nearby Cotabato City including BCPCH Regional and Provincial Personnel, the seminar-workshop bears the theme: “Culture Based Education: Enriching Instruction, Enabling Integration, and Enhancing Contextualization”.

In his statement, BCPCH Chairperson Salem Y. Lingasa, Ph. D., emphasized the importance of Lakbay Kultura Module which is designed to impart cultural awareness and knowledge to the younger Bangsamoro generations.

This was supported by NCCA Commissioner Carlo B. Ebeo who underscored in his message the objectives of the Commission in promoting culture-based education.

 “The Philippines should envision a nation of culturally literate and empowered Filipinos who are not only patriotic and nationalist but at the same time responsible and globally committed citizens of all” Ebeo  added.

Featuring experts affiliated to NCCA, BCPCH extends it’s gratitude to the following Resource Persons: Dr. Jovy Peregrino, Dr. Almira Menson, Ms. Marsha J. Duragos, Ms. Abigail May Garcia, Dr. Raleigh Ojanola, Dr. Mohamar Rindo, and Dr. Richard Moral who provided strategies on how to incorporate culture-based education into teaching practices in the two-day workshop.

With the abundance of cultural insights shared by our participants, the Commission is very grateful to the institutions who sent their delegates to be part of the program focusing on understanding the  students’ need in various cultural aspects.

Formally ending the program, BCPCH Coordination and Support Services Division Chief Aaron-Jeff D. Usman emphasized the big role of the teachers in the society, specifically in the establishment of the Bangsamoro culture.

Fostering linkages between the Commission and the partner schools, BCPCH-BARMM looks forward to more future cultural engagements and programs with the said institutions.

BCPCH is the primary institution in preserving the history, culture, arts, tradition, and rich cultural heritage of the Bangsamoro people across the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. The Commission is currently under the leadership of Chairperson Salem Y. Lingasa, Ph.D.

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