
Home » Cultural Workers of BCPCH Converge for the Year-End Assessment of FY 2023 PAPs Implementation and Budget Utilization Cum Capacity Buillding Workshop

December 28, 2023

Cultural Workers of BCPCH Converge for the Year-End Assessment of FY 2023 PAPs Implementation and Budget Utilization Cum Capacity Buillding Workshop

The Bangsamoro Commission for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage (BCPCH-BARMM) recently concluded its Year-End Assessment of FY 2023 PAPs Implementation and Budget Utilization cum Capacity Building at Villa Amparo Garden Beach Resort, Samal Island, Davao City. Held on December 17-21, 2023, the event not only reviewed the accomplishments of the Commission but also paved way for future activities.

Attended by the Commission’s Regional and Provincial cultural workers, the Year-End Assessment also included the status of the FY 2022 Catch-Up Plan, and to determine the Commission’s overall accomplishment and budget utilization, which also aimed to highlight the best practices and determine gaps, strategies, and ways forward for the CY 2024 and onwards. During the session, both the Commission’s Provincial Offices and the Region presented their Annual Accomplishment Reports through PowerPoint slides and video documentations.

Adding a blend and fun to the rigorous assessment, a Team Building activity was organized on the resort’s scenic seaside. Cultural workers were divided into four color-coded teams — Blue, White, Yellow, and Pink — engaging in exhilarating activities like the Big Bounce, Alladin Ride, and Don’t Push Me Up. The spirited competition culminated with the Blue Team clinching the top spot, followed by the White and Yellow teams respectively.

In a dazzling display of diversity and unity, cultural workers gathered to celebrate their rich cultural tapestry at the Cultural Gala Night following the Year-End Assessment and Team Building activity. The gala night was transformed into a runway of tradition, as they proudly showcased their cultural attires in which every garment showcased identity. From intricate embroideries to vibrant hues, the attires served as a proof to the richness and diversity of traditions that everyone cherished and upheld. The Cultural Gala Night was not just about fashion and flair; it was also an evening of recognition and appreciation by giving awards and prizes to acknowledge the cultural workers’ dedication and contribution.

As the Cultural Gala Night ended, Inspirational Messages from the Provincial Commissioners and the Commission’s Chairperson delivered. These messages were not a formality but a beacon of guidance, motivation and reflection to all.

“Alhamdulillah to a year filled with growth, resilience, and unforgettable moments. Let’s reflect on our accomplishments, and the challenges we have overcome together.” – Commissioner Merfa A. Ampao, Province of Basilan “Let us always remember that whatever success we achieve is a result of the burning passion to serve our cultural workers and constituents and the collaborative effort between the Regional Staff and those at the grassroots level… Each setback has taught us resilience, each failure has taught us humility, and each success has taught us gratitude.” – Commissioner Elmasia L. Madjilon, Province of Tawi-Tawi “As one team with the single purpose in mind, to make BCPCH a success, the key to this is commitment. We can do it. We have to do it. We will do it. We have talents in a condition of where the more we can do it in an environment of peace. Kayang kaya natin ito kasi Bangsamoro tayo.” – Commissioner Robert M. Alonto, Province of Lanao del Sur

“We are very thankful that the PAPs and the activities executed this year are very satisfactory. We hope for the year 2024, as pleaded to us by the Executive Director, will be having a new 2024 based from the lessons learned in the past 2 years.” – Commissioner Ardan Sali, Province of Sulu

“Our culture is identical and colorful. This is the Blessing of Allah S.W.T. Us Cultural Workers, we are the vanguards of preserving, conserving and promoting our cultural heritage and traditions in the Bangsamoro.” – Salem Y. Lingasa, Ph.D., Chairperson and concurrent Commissioner for Maguindana

The targets, insights and bonds strengthened during the entire activities will push the Commission forward in 2024. Thus, the Commission will remain committed to its mandates in preserving, conserving, and promoting the rich cultural heritage of the Bangsamoro Region.



BCPCH, under the leadership of Chairperson Salem Y. Lingasa, Ph.D., is the primary institution in preserving the history, culture, arts, tradition, and rich cultural heritage of the Bangsamoro people across the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.